Ever wondered to yourself “Yeah, this guy might be good at making films, but can he endlessly talk like a nerd about ‘em?” You probably haven’t, but on the off chance you have, I’m flattered, also, this is the place for you. Here I write reviews, editorials, and blog posts, discussing film and the world of entertainment. Keeping you up-to-date on the best of the year, classics, and film festivals like Sundance. So make like a banana and keep your eyes peeled, because I have new articles coming out consistently for your reading pleasure.

Editorial: Halfway There, The Best of 2024 So Far
The 10 best films of the first half of 2024

Editorial: Halfway There, The Best of 2023 So Far
The 10 best films of the first half of 2023

Editorial: Halfway There, The Best of 2022 So Far.
The 11 best films of the first half of 2022